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A First Look


Before implementing methodologies in SADA, it is important to understand the main components that make up the software. When you open SADA, you will see the main window, which will contain the Control Panel and a Graphics Window . They will both be empty and all options will be disabled. Similarly, menu items will be disabled except for the Help menu and the New, Open, and Exit items under File.


Begin by selecting Open from the File menu. Select ThreeDimensional.sda and press Open.


SADA will now appear similar to the following window with parameters in the Control Panel and a picture in the Graphics Window.



The Control Panel contains many of the parameters needed for most geospatial modeling operations performed in SADA. These parameters and their functions are explained in detail in Control Panel.


The Graphics Window displays the results of the last modeling request, including data plots, contour maps, GIS overlays, etc. This display is user- interactive. Click the right mouse button over the picture to see a popup menu with items related to this window. For more information on right mouse functions in the graphics window, see Formatting, Information, and Zooming, Shifting, and Restoring. Type other function names into the Index tab in the Help menu to get more information.


SADA Version 3 has two toolbars. Most major functions are located on the "first" toolbar. They are as follows.



Open – Opens SADA.



Save – Saves SADA files.



Print – Prints the currently displayed information.



Copy to File – Copies Ascii results to a file.



Auto-Add – Allows you to add results and supporting information directly to a report.



Copy to Clipboard – Copies current image to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Window Packages.



Select – Allows user to select regions of space around data points or modeling results by drawing a polygonal shape.



Space Manager – Provides access to the space definition manager (SDM).



Level Buttons – Allows the user to view subsequent layers of three-dimensional volume.



Information – Displays relevant Information on the current graphic.



Statistics – Displays statistical information on the current graphic.



PRG Screen Table– Displays results of screening data against risk-based screening criteria.



Risk Table – Displays results of calculating risk.



Data – Displays the data for the currently selected analyte. (See Graphical Displays.)



Screen Map – Displays the location of data points exceeding a particular screening value. (See Screening Data.)



Point Risk – Displays the point risk values for data points in a particular risk scenario.



Point Dose – Displays the point dose calculations for data points based on the species and exposure assumptions.



Variography – Displays the covariance model map. (See Spatial Correlation.)



Grid – Overlays data with the current grid system, as defined by the block parameters in the Control Panel.



Estimation Map – Displays the map of concentration values produced by the current interpolation scheme. (See Estimation Maps.)



Probability Map – Displays the probability of blocks exceeding a specified threshold using ordinary kriging or indicator kriging. (See Probability Maps.)



Variance Map – Displays the map of ordinary kriging variance values. (See Variance Maps.)



Risk Map – Displays the risk contour map for a specified scenario and the current interpolation scheme. (See Risk Maps.)



Dose Map – Displays the modeled dose concentration map for a specified receptor, scenario, and interpolation scheme. (See Dose Maps.)



Area of Concern Map – Displays the areas of concern for the current interpolation scheme and decision framework. (See Area of Concern Maps.)



Cost – Displays the remedial cost/benefit curve for the current decision framework and interpolation scheme.



New Sample – Displays the location of new samples for the given secondary sampling schemes.


In the second toolbar are four drop-down boxes. The first box contains the available analysis types: General, Human Health, Ecological, or Custom. General is the default choice and simply means that the data will be used in a straightforward way without applying any risk models. The second box contains the available media types. If you did not specify a media during the file setup, then this box contains ‘Basic’. When you select a different media, the contaminants that have this media type will now populate the contaminant names box. The third drop down box contains the available analytes. When the analysis type changes, the names in this box may change slightly to reflect how the risk or custom analysis was set up. For example, Arsenic may appear in the list of available contaminants if General is selected for the analysis. However, if Arsenic was matched to Arsenic, Inorganic during the human health risk setup, then Arsenic, Inorganic instead of Arsenic would appear when Human Health was the chosen analysis. The last box contains the data labels [the default option is (None)]. Select a label type from the list and the information will appear as text to the right of each data point in the picture. Select (None) to turn this off.


Menu Items