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Space Definition Manager (SDM)


Polygons drawn with the main toolbar Select button are temporary. The Select button is a quick way to select a specific area with associated items and perform analyses on just that area. When the Select button is pressed again, the polygon disappears and cannot be retrieved.


In many applications, a more permanent definition of space is needed. For these situations, it is better to use the Space Definition Manager (SDM). The SDM allows you to manipulate polygons exactly like the Select function; however, the SDM allows you to assign a name to the space and recall it as needed.


To use this function, select the SDM toolbar button or choose this option under the Tools menu. The SDM window becomes available.







To define a new polygonal space, press the New button and the SDM window disappears, leaving the Graphics window accessible for drawing. Polygons are drawn and manipulated in the same manner as with the select tool. When the polygon is complete, press the Finished Button in the Graphics Window or the SDM button on the toolbar again and SADA prompts for a name. Upon entering a name, the polygon is officially registered.


To view a polygonal space, select the appropriate name in the combo box and press the Apply button. The SDM window disappears and the polygon is applied. If the polygon is edited, SADA will prompt the user to save the polygon under the same name or rename it.


To delete a polygonal space, select the appropriate name in the combo box and press the Delete button.


To copy a polygonal space, select the appropriate name in the combo box and press Copy. SDM will prompt you for a new name, and the polygonal definition is pasted with this new name.


For additional information, see Polygonal Reconciliation.