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The Format option becomes available in a popup menu when the right mouse button is pressed over a graphical image. See Graphics Window. The exception to this function is when polygons are being edited.


Select the Format option and the Format window will appear.





Select the portion of the picture you wish to format on the left side of the window under Object. The current formatting scheme will appear on the right hand side.




A list of formatted number types.




The text associated with the selected object. Caption formulas are available to simplify titling activities. See Caption Formulas below.




The font for the selected object.




Picture title and the Horizontal Title: The fraction of the distance across the graphic that the caption will be centered.


Vertical Title, Vertical Label: The fraction of the distance between the Y axis and the left side of the graphic that the caption will be centered.


Legend: The fraction of the distance between the legend and the right side of the picture that the caption will be centered.




Picture title and the Vertical Title: The fraction of the vertical distance across the graphic that the caption will be centered.


Horizontal Title, Horizontal Label: The fraction of the distance between the X axis and the bottom of the graph that the caption will be centered.


Caption Formulas