Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance SADA

This registration will activate a download once the information is complete. The SADA mailing list addresses are never sold, rented, distributed or disclosed. Email addresses will be occasionally be used by UT and EPA to notify you of new free versions of SADA available from this web site. Required fields are highlighted red and contain an asterisk, and a valid email address is required to download.












User Information)

This information helps us understand what users are doing with SADA. This focuses our search for continued funding and helps keep SADA free. It also helps focus our development and documentation which helps everyone. Multiple answers are perfectly fine.

*How would you classify yourself?
(check all that apply)

*Is your work related to any of the following (either directly or contracted)?
(check all that apply)

*What kind of applications?
(check all that apply)

* denotes required fields.