Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
MARSSIM is a regulatory guidance document that provides detailed guidance
for planning, implementing and evaluating environmental and facility
radiological surveys. The objective is to demonstrate compliance with a dose- or risk-based regulation
particulaly in the final status survey once scoping,
characterization and any necessary remedial actions are completed.
MARSSIM is the result of a multi-agency effort that includes the Department of Defense,
Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency,
and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The latter two agencies are principle sponsors of the SADA project.
To obtain a copy of MARSSIM click here.
SADA provides a number of critical MARSSIM tools for sample design and checks for compliance. These include a formal
MARSSIM approach for individuals buildling a MARSSIM assessment from scratch. In addition, users can access various stages
(available through the MARSSIM Quick tools) of the process to introduce SADA mid-evaluation.
Regulators can also use the quick tools to check a licensee's work.
Full (formal) approach
Users specify the type of class, the type of test and grid geometry, answer a number of questions that compute the
required sample size, adjust for instrumentation factors and produce a sample design for the specified site. This process
is captured in the following images.
Class Choice

Compute Number Of Samples

Incorporate Instrumentation Specific Information

Map the Sample Design and Export to Excel

Import Collected Data and Compare to Original Design

Perform the Evaluation

MARSSIM Quick Tools
These tools allow users and regulators to perform quick checks or quick regulatory checks. Below we describe the
quick check tools and show some screen shots of interest.
Design Check
Quickly calculate the number of samples. Users are introduced to the process with this window.

Design Check + MARSSIM Test
Quickly calculate the number of samples and perform a MARSSIM test. Users are passed through the
same questions as the Design Check above but must also specify the data set they want to evaluate.

Only conduct the MARSSIM evaluation test. Users are introduced to the process with this first screen and then
proceed to pick a dataset followed by the evaluation.
