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Basic Options


The following commands may be viewed on the right side of the 3D View window.




When “Blocks” is selected, only blocks with a value in the specified range will be displayed. The upper and lower bounds for this range are determined from the data points.


If “Isosurface” is selected (the default), then an isosurface will be drawn. The value being viewed can be increased or decreased by clicking the Up and Down buttons. This will increase/decrease the current level by a hundredth of the entire range. This can also be accomplished by typing “u” or “d”, respectively. To set the isolevel being viewed to a specific value, click on the Set button and enter the desired value when prompted. If there is only one z-level, then the isosurface options will not be available.




If this option is selected (the default), then the color will be transparent. The exact degree of transparency depends on how large the value is. Lower values will be more transparent.


Zoom In/Out


These buttons are provided for convenience when moving the object with the mouse.




This option changes the scaling in the z direction. Note: this can also be done on the Scaling tab of the Options Form (see Advanced Options).


Drawing While Moving


Use these buttons to enable or disable the redrawing of surface/points and the map when moving the image, either with the mouse or with keystrokes. When redrawing is enabled, it may take longer for SADA to render a new picture each time. In these cases, one may want to disable how often the surface/points and/or map are rendered. One can always have the entire image redrawn by clicking on the Redraw Image toolbar button at the top of the 3D form. Note that if isosurfaces are not being shown, then when moving with the mouse, the cubes are never redrawn each time the image is drawn.