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Advanced Options


These options are available by selecting the Opts button.


Basic Tab



This tab has the same options that are shown in the right side of the 3d viewer plus a few extra options.


Background Color


The background of the image can be changed by clicking on the button labeled Bkgd Color. The user will be prompted with a form that allows them to choose a color to use for the background. Note that the color of the axes and title will always be set to the opposite color of the background, to provide the most contrast.




Click this button to select how many total digits to show for the axes. Currently, the numbers will always be displayed using scientific notation.


Draw North Arrow


Check this box to display a North arrow on the map.


Points Tab



This tab can be used to set options related to how the points are displayed.  On the left will be a list of the different point groups defined (in SADA Version 3, there is only a single point group, named "Default").




This box indicates whether or not to draw the points in the current view.


Draw Borelines


if this box is checked, a line will be drawn from each point in the group to the surface (z=0).




if this box is checked, then the point will be transparent. The degree of transparency depends on the value at the point.


Size (pixels)


This box determines how large the displayed points are, in units of screen pixels.


The options at the bottom of the tab may be used to limit the points to those that satisfy certain conditions. In all cases, click the “Update Plot” button to update the image based on the settings.


Show All Points


When this box is checked, all data points will be shown.


Value at Least


When this box is checked, only those points with a value above the specified level will be shown.


Sync w/Isolevel


When this box is checked, only those points with a value that is at least equal to the current isolevel surface will be shown.


Value at Most


When this box is checked, only those points with a value below the specified level will be shown.


Value Between


When this box is checked, only those points with a value between the specified levels will be shown.


Slicing Tab


This tab can be used to define slicing planes that will "cut" into the isosurface.  It is possible to define up to three different planes.  A reminder of the parameter values for commonly used planes is always displayed on the form.  In the example above, there is a single clipping plane defined, with equation z=100 (0*x + 0*y + 1*z - 100 = 0).  This will only draw that part of the isosurface that lies at depth 100 or above.

Note: If all 4 parameters of the plane are zero for an activated clipping plane, the plane will be ignored.


Axes Tab



This tab allows detailed control over which axes are shown. The default is that the closest axis to the viewpoint is shown, with 5 tick marks per axis. The default upper and lower bounds for the axes are determined from the project data. For the Z-axis (depth), the labels at the minimum and maximum value are not displayed by default, as this results in the labels intersecting each other and obscuring the numbers.


Scaling Tab



Use this option to stretch/shrink the graph in specified directions, or to change the size of the font relative to the default (a value of 1 is the default, a value of 2 will result in a font twice as large as the default, a value of 0.5 will result in a font that is half the size of the default font).


Mirrors Tab


The "Mirrors" tab can be used to enable reflecting the isosurface in the walls of the cube enclosing the isosurface.  By default, the surface is reflected once, but more reflections can be shown by changing the value in the textbox. 

Note: Drawing mirrors can significantly increase the computation time required to render the image.


Translation Tab



The values for X-Axis, Y-Axis, Z-Axis are current translation values for the viewpoint. The values for Delta represent how much the values are incremented/decremented when the user changes the current viewpoint with the arrow keys.


Perspective Tab



These parameters determine the viewing volume for the viewpoint and are used in the calculations to preserve the 3D perspective for the image (i.e., objects that are closer appear larger than those that are far away). If the AutoUpdate Zfar option is selected, then all values are set automatically. If this option is not selected, then generally only the parameters Znear and Zfar will need to be modified. Anything that is closer to you than Znear or farther from you than Zfar will not be visible. Both numbers must be positive. The Field of View is the angle (in units of degrees) that represents how wide the viewing volume is; this value should be between 0 and 180 degrees.