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Statistical Analysis


A statistical analysis summarizes a set of data or characterizes how the data are distributed. In addition, statistical values are often used in many modeling procedures within SADA (e.g. risk analysis).


To view the statistical summary of a selected region, press the Statistics button on the main toolbar or select Statistics from the Tools menu. This will produce the Statistics results table. If the human health risk or ecological risk assessment module has been setup, then the table separates radionuclides, nonradionuclides, and unregistered contaminants.



The type of statistics you wish to view can be customized through the Options menu.





For modeling results, SADA only produces the mean, minimum, maximum, and range statistics. See Overview of Geospatial Modeling. To format a statistical value, select a cell in the column of interest and select Format from the menu. The following window appears.



Type in a valid number format or select one from the drop down list.




The Statistical toolbar contains the following functions.



Print – Prints statistical results.



Copy to file – Copies statistical results to a comma delimited text file.



Auto-Add – Automatically adds the statistical results to a report.



Copy to Clipboard – Copies the current image to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows packages.



Export to Excel — Automatically dumps the spreadsheet to an Excel file.