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Browse Benchmark Histograms


In order to browse a histogram for a particular contaminant, select Browse and then Benchmark Histogram From … from the Ecological menu.





The resulting form prompts for the source data file. Select eco_toxdata.mdb, which should be in your root SADA file directory (typically C:/Program Files/SADA/).





Select Open and the Browse form will appear. Select a contaminant and media combination that you wish to view all benchmarks for. In the following example we will choose 1,1,1-Trichloroethane and Surface Water.





Selecting OK will produce a histogram of the available benchmarks (if there are benchmarks available).





There are different scaling options available. If the display is unsatisfactory, select between linear, natural log, and base 10 log scales for viewing the benchmarks using the dropdown combo box at the top of the form.