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Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs)


To view the preliminary remediation goals (PRGs), select the contaminant of interest in the Contaminant Box of the secondary toolbar. Then, select PRG Table from the Human Health Menu on the main window. SADA calculates the risk-based goals for this contaminant(s) in the following window. To calculate PRGs for all contaminants, select Pooled Data in the Contaminant Box. The PRGs will always be calculated for the media you have currently selected in the media combo box of the secondary toolbar.



In the example above, Pooled Data was selected to demonstrate all of the toolbar buttons available. These toolbar buttons permit combination views of rads/nonrads/both and carcinogenic/noncarcinogenic/both for the five scenarios of residential, industrial, agricultural, recreational, and excavation.


The Pathway checkboxes allow you to control which pathways are shown. The All pathway reflects exposure to all the currently checked pathways.


Following are the units for each media.


Soil and Sediment: mg/kg for nonradionuclides, pCi/g for radionuclides


Surface/Groundwater: mg/L for nonradionuclides, pCi/L for radionuclides


The user should remember that chemical-specific PRGs are initial guidelines (protective of human health and the environment) that are based on readily available information and comply with applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARs). They are not cleanup goals. All chemical-specific PRGs are generally modified utilizing the site-specific data gathered during the RI/FS; however, design staff may be able to streamline the analysis of remedial alternatives by using chemical-specific PRGs early in the decision-making process (before the RI/FS and the baseline risk assessment are completed). A risk-based concentration is considered a final remediation level only after appropriate analysis in the RI/FS and Record of Decision (ROD).


The Preliminary Remediation Goals toolbar functions are as follows.



Print – Prints risk results (PRGs, Screenings, Risk).



Copy to File – Copies risk results (PRGs, Screenings, Risk) to file.



Add to Report – Copies results to a report.



Anatype – Displays, respectively, the results for radionuclides, nonradionuclides, or both.



Carincogenic Options – Displays respectively, the results for Carcinogens, Noncarcinogens, or Both.



Risk Scenarios – Displays, respectively, risk results for residential, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or excavation scenarios.