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After a polygon has been drawn, vertices can be removed, added, or moved to another location. Similarly, an entire polygon can be moved to a new location or deleted entirely. To edit a polygon, double click the left mouse to highlight the vertices blue. The following conditions assume that the vertices have been highlighted.


To select a particular vertex, left click inside the vertex and it will turn red. To delete the vertex, press the Delete button. To move the vertex, hold the left mouse button down inside the vertex, move to the desired location, and release.


To select an entire polygon, right click inside any vertex and the entire polygon will turn red. To delete the polygon, press the Delete button. To move the entire polygon, hold the right mouse button down inside any vertex, move to the desired location, and release.


To insert a new vertex, right mouse click outside of the vertices and a pop up menu will appear. Select Insert A Vertex. SADA will then determine the nearest boundary line to the selected point, break the line and adjoin the two new lines at the selected point. If you right mouse click too far from the polygon, SADA may choose to break an unintended line or make no choice at all. To make sure the correct line is selected, select a point near the line. The newly created vertex can then be moved to the appropriate location.