Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance SADA

Custom Analyses

There may be situations where the decision criteria generated from SADA through human health or ecological risk modeling may be insufficient for a particular application or simply irrelevant. You can import your own decision criteria into SADA and use it exactly like it was created by SADA. This is called a custom analysis.

SADA provides an import wizard that captures your decision criteria file (Access or .csv) compares it to the contaminants in your file and with your confirmation matches the two sets together. You then have the abiltiy to view your criteria, screen against it, create ratio (risk) maps, and apply it to a number of decision criteria models including area of concern, cost/benefit analysis, and secondary sampling designs (see below).

Tabular Results

Custom Views


Custom Screens


Spatial Results

Graphical Results

Custom criteria can now contribute to the characterization in a spatial context. Users can subdivide the site using polygon tools and perform assessments in each subregion. Users can also connect the criterae directly to a geospatial tool such as estimation and uncertainty mapping and the subsequent decision analysis maps. The following images show the spatial distribution of risk, the probabilty of exceeding a PRG, and a decision map based on a risk criteria.

Spatial Screens (boxes indicate points of exceedance)


Point Ratio Maps


Sum of Fractions


Probability of Exceeding Criteria


Custom Criteria Based Decision Map (gray area is area of concern)


Supporting Sampling Designs

To see how custom criteria are used in the development of sampling designs see sample designs.

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